Bollywood Actress Kangana Ranaut Proudly Says That People Are Praying To Work With Her

  • 5 years ago
Kangana Ranaut is on cloud nine these days and rightly so. The actress has been getting boundless praises for her role in Queen last year for which she also won the filmfare award for best actress. Buts seems like all this success has gone up to Kangana's head. In a recent interview she said that even when all her films flopped after Queen she continues to get big bannered offers and that people are praying that they get a chance to work with an actor like her. Agreed Kangana that you are a spectacular actress but don't you think that after the massive debacle of Revolver Rani with Vir Das and Ungli with Emraan Hashmi, you should try to plant your feet firmly on the ground?

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