Bollywood Stars At The KC College Diamond Jubilee Celebrations

  • 5 years ago
Bollywood celebrities Kareena Kapoor Khan, Abhishek Bachchan and Vidya Balan were seen attending Diamond Jubilee Celebrations at KC College in Mumbai yesterday. On the occasion of the successful completion of sixty years of KC College, luminaries from all walks of life including cinema were felicitated the event which included our Bollywood trio - Abhi, Bebo and Vidya. Abhishek cut the cake at the event. Boman and Abhishek enjoyed candid and animated conversations of their college days. Vidya who walked in a little late, joined in the conversation with the two men. The dirty picture actress was seen in bright, bold Kanjeevaram saree and big jhumkas. The begum, Kareena walked in dressed completely in black and was seen chatting with director Prakash Jha. However, she did not attend the entire event. Ila Arun, Nita Ambani and a few others also made an appearance at the
event. The KC-ites were head over heels in love with the Bollywood stars!

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