Amitabh Bachchan Launches Rohit Khilnani's Book 'I Hate Bollywood'

  • 5 years ago
Bollywood's veteran actor Amitabh Bachchan was seen at the book launch event by journalist Rohit Khilnani. 'I Hate Bollywood', the book is a debut fiction by the writer, who has hosted shows such as E-Tonight and Sports and Entertainment Quarter, and Star Trek.
At the event Big B cherished his old time memories from the 1975 movie 'Deewaar'. Since it was 40 years from the movie release, the actor recollected his moments from the shooting days of the film.
Also seen at the event were chef Vikas Khanna and Bollywood actor Jackky Bhagnani.
Big B recently launched the trailer of his film 'Shamitabh', which also stars Akshara Haasan and Dhanush. It was a grand event where music maestro Ilayaraja was honored for completing 1000 films in the industry.

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