Bollywood Actress Sonam Kapoor At Mid-Day Trophy Event 2015

  • 5 years ago
Many Bollywood celebrities attended the Mid-Day trophy in Mumbai today. The trophy was instituted by the Royal Western Indian Turf Club (RWITC) many years ago to celebrate Mid-day's unique association with horse racing as a media partner. The event took place at the Mahalaxmi racetrack in Mumbai.
Seen here were Ali Fazal and Sapna Pabbi, Urvashi Rautela, Randeep Hooda, Natasha Poonawala, among others.
Sonam Kapoor was the selected celeb who gave away the prestigious trophy to the winning owner, trainer and jockey. Sporting an elegant hat on her head, Sonam looked like her charming self.
Sonam who is all set to star in her upcoming film from Arbaaz Khan Productions, Dolly Ki Doli was clad in best of brands from head to toe. While her elegant dress was from Neha Taneja, her hat was from Philip Treacy. She completed the look with Dior earrings and pumps, and a Lady Dior hand bag.

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