Bollywood celebs at the Umang Mumbai Police 2015

  • 5 years ago
Many Bollywood celebs came to attend the Umang Mumbai Police Show 2015 in Mumbai. While the 'Chikni Chameli' girl Katrina Kaif showed off her sexy thumkas with Karan Johar and Manish Paul, Bollywood heartthrob Hrithik Roshan looked scrumptiously handsome in a grey Troy Costa suit with he teamed up with a pair of tan shoes at the Umang Mumbai Police Show. Imran Khan and Manish Paul went to the superstar Akshay Kumar and asked some funny questions. The oh-so-gorgeous Dia Mirza hugs his friends Zayed Khan and Akshay Kumar at the event as thy meet after a long time. Sonakshi Sinha performed on the tracks from her recent film 'Tevar', while Priyanka Chopra and Varun Dhawan rocked the stage with their performances. The superstar SRK is seen shaking a leg with some female police officers on stage. Not only this, the
sensational beauty Alia Bhatt sizzled the dance floor with her stunning performance.

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