DIY Fanatic Makes Fan From Tree And Rice Cooker Switch

  • 5 years ago
A DIY fanatic showed how he made a fan - from a tree branch and a rice cooker switch. Mohd Nari Bin Jaafar, 66, fashioned the household device from parts of an old fan and the electronics from his old rice cooker. They were fitted on a carefully polished teak tree branch. Mohd showed off the finished article, which operates when he flicks the dial from his old rice cooker. He then gave it to his daughter, Joanne, as a gift. Joanne said: ''Although my father wasn't able to study in university, his artworks and machines are genius." The proud daughter said that his father lives in a remote village and is frequently sick, but still makes time for his hobby of creating useful things from what is usually regarded as garbage. Mohd, who is also a painter, has slipped-disk, asthma and heart problems so he sells some of his works to neighbours. But the fan, varnished and designed by his father, was a gift to Joanne.
