Waiguru makes it clear Youth Fund scandal ‘not her mess’

  • 5 years ago
Given all the cameras and Members of Parliament who were crammed into the meeting room, it was clear that someone of no small consequence was expected.

The curiosity in this instance was former Devolution Cabinet Secretary Anne Waiguru who by her tone of voice and answers made it clear that she was not going to take the hit for another scam without a fight.

The scam in question being the theft of Sh180 million from the Youth Enterprise Development Fund which she had been responsible for when she was at the helm of the Devolution docket.

Her prepared statement was simple: “I had no idea what was going on at the Fund until two weeks before I stepped down and as you recall, I was already dealing with other issues at the time.”

Those other issues in question being the theft of Sh791 million and attempted theft of Sh695 million from another institution ‘under her watch’ – the National Youth Service.

But as the MPs clamoured to take her to task for the “arrogant” statement, Waiguru made it clear she had come ready to rumble.

“What did you want me to do? The Directorate of Criminal Investigations and Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission had already been called in so I asked for a formal brief on the matter by requesting an administrative report. If I did any more than that I’d still be sitting here but the accusation would be interfering with investigations.”