#Facebook 10Year Challenge; Is it threat to our identity? Nation At 9

  • 5 years ago
Our brains are hardwired for facial recognition. It's crucial to human evolution. Faces of parents, friends, enemies and strangers need to picked out. In face our brain is rooted in seeing faces that we spot them everywhere, in the clouds. Literally all you need to do is type a colon, a dash and a bracket and your brain sees a smiling faces. Semi colon dash and bracket is a winking face. You can even skip the nose. Facial recognition is the mother lode and wet dream of artificial intelligence programmers and engineers. Fingerprints have a unique patter, as do irises, that's easy to do. Put recognising roughly similar looking facial features be the very slight variations in nose, cheek, eye distance isn't easy. Especially if those faces are in a crowded photograph, picking out the pixels that recognise faces is difficult in images. So difficult in fact that captcha codes - identifying photos - are often used to identify humans from AI bots roving the internet. For the past several months, Facebook has been mapping our faces in a facial recognition alogorithm. Right now, you have the option to opt in and opt out. I've opted in and it's uncannily accurate. In fact when some of our viewers take a photo of this TV debate and upload it on Facebook, i get a notification saying you might be in a photo. Imagine that, a photo of a Tv screen, blurry and diffused, with me sitting in a tiny box in that screen and Facebook can now identify me just with it's facial recognition AI. It's the stuff of James bond movies. Where they go around identifying people from grainy cctv images. 72 hours ago, the 10 year challenge was started on FB and FB owned Instagram, prompting people to post selfies comparing what they looked like 10 years ago and what they look like today. Millions of people across the globe did just that out of fun and nostalgia. Now industry insiders claim that this may have been a ploy by Facebook to get data points to improve it's facial recognition algorithm, specifically teach it how to adapt to ageing. Facebook isn't commenting. But now it has access to all your data, potentially your live location and even to your facial id. Is that safe? Should we care? What are the benefits, what are the potential fears of big brother? Let's have that conversation. Here's what's up.