Growth Mindset for Adults in an Online Business? 3 Ideas!

  • 5 years ago
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Hey, today I'm going to be sharing 3 ideas to having a growth mindset for adults in an online business, so we can make more money.

Jeff Bezos is the richest man in the world and now he is going through a divorce, which should be interesting.

I recently read the book “The Everyday Store” and he has a 10,000 year clock. Do you know why he has that, it's so it can remind himself to think long term.

I really think this is a huge tip for all of us in our online business. My old YouTube video I made videos for a long time with no views, then a tipping point happened and I started to get millions of views.

The same thing happened with Gary Vee with this channel, and his family was making fun of him. One more example was an MLM that I did a long time ago and I recruited hundreds of people and nobody did nothing.

Then I got 1 person that did something and that started the momentum and I started making good money from it.

Rome wasn't built in a day and an online business is the same.

I asked this question on Facebook and I got many answers, another one that I really like is to focus on income producing activities.

Learning is great and I'm learning as well, but I really think it's important to shift our focus from consuming content to producing content as well.

What I'm a fan of is learning something and as soon as I learn it, create content around it and share what I learned in my own words. When I share it, I'll have a call to action in it. Almost like documenting instead of creating.

Learning is only an income producing activity if you use what you learned. Also nearly all the content I create has a call to action in it.

The third tip for mindset is to crawl before you walk. A big reason many people go out of business is they spend themselves out of business.

The goal of any business should be to put yourself in profit as quickly and cheeply as you can and then re-invest those profits back into your business.

Do you agree or disagree with these tips let me know in the comments below.

I hope you got some value from this content on having a growth mindset for Adults in an Online Business, if you did please hit that thumbs up button.

Also if you are truly serious about making money online you can discover my number 1 tip by clicking on the link below or going to
