China and Russia are messing with Earth's ionosphere

  • 5 years ago
RUSSIA — China and Russia are testing technology that can manipulate areas of the atmosphere for potential military applications, reports the South China Morning Post.

The newspaper, citing a Chinese scientist familiar with the research, reports China and Russia are conducting heating experiments in the Earth's ionosphere.

The ionosphere is a layer of the Earth's atmosphere that consists of ionized layers and free electrons. It can bounce radio waves across long distances.

In one experiment, a Russian ionospheric heating facility called Sura injected electrons into the sky. They covered roughly 500 kilometers of the Russian city of Vasilsursk. The experiment made radio waves in the area peak at 260 megawatts.

Controlling the ionosphere would allow for manipulation of communication signals around the world.

A Chinese electromagnetic surveillance satellite called Zhangheng - 1 used special sensors to collect data from the experiments.

China and Russia performed five experiments in June. During one of the experiments, the city reached an electric spike with 10 times more negatively charged subatomic particles than surrounding regions.