Drawing For Kids - 2 Penguin Coloring And Drawing - How to Draw Penguin

  • 6 years ago
Drawing For Kids - 2 Penguin Coloring And Drawing - How to Draw Penguin

How To Draw A Penguin

If you know how to draw a circle and a triangle, then learning how to draw a penguin should not be a big challenge! This character was designed with simple shapes and beginners won't have any trouble duplicating this illustration.

Indeed, if you are looking for a simple character to start with, this is the one to try. As you can see below, this penguin is relatively easy to duplicate. Grab a piece of paper and a pencil and have fun with this tutorial featuring a cool design!

Step 1
The first step is easy: just draw a large oval shape to create the body (and the head) of this cartoon penguin. Notice on the illustration below how this oval shape is made from long curved lines and round ends.

Step 2
Next, you can add both feet by sketching small triangles with pointed ends. These triangles are made from two long curved lines. The last section of each triangle is hidden behind the character.

When you are ready to proceed, you can draw the beak using another triangular shape. The top of the shape is made from a curved line. Both wings are made from long oval shapes.

Step 4
Next, the eyes are illustrated with two large circles. The pupils are also made from large circular shapes. Notice how the pupils are not centered, but rather placed slightly closer to each other.
Step 5
You can complete this drawing lesson by adding small details like oval shapes inside the pupils and a long curved line on the stomach of the cartoon penguin.
Step 6
Nice work! This cartoon animal is now finished. Below you can see the final illustration in a black and white version. Don't hesitate to create your own penguin and create something new from this simple template.

How to draw a penguin
Enjoy and don't forget to practice! :)
