Conservatives Are Terrorists (NEW DISS TRACK)

  • 6 years ago
Conservatives are terrorists
I said and I meant it
They're tormented when
I get up on my mic
and then I spread it
They forget it
When it hits too close to home
And they regret it
when the pipe bomb
that they sent doesn't explode
On Mister Soros
When he gets it
In the morning
in his bathrobe
Sending shrapnel through
his butler as he brings him
Eggs and toast with extra butter
MAGA bombers
Racist cops
and police dogs
And Synagogues and mosques
Get shot up
The Holocaust
And Heather Hyer
paid the cost
And Martin Luther King
got dropped
While standing on a balcony
Like Lincoln
I guess he was sitting
But that's not the point
You got the point
Unless you didn't cuz you're a mother fucking idiot
If you say both sides
are to blame
you're full of shit
Conservatives are terrorists
I said and I meant it
They're tormented when
I get up on my mic
and then I spread it
They forget it
When it hits too close to home
And they regret it
when the pipe bomb
that they sent doesn't explode
At the Planned Parenthood
They're just going for
a checkup
Getting heckled by
the fucking dickheads
standing by the entrance
to the clinic
man, it's sick
the way these pricks
act like a bunch of
whiney little kids
While they hit and spit at
Any protester
that they come
in contact with
and Tim McVeigh
the GOP
They're all the same
They all say
the same shit
to each other
if there's no brother
in the room
At least that's how it was
Now they love to use the n-word
out in public just because
Conservatives are terrorists
I said and I meant it
They're tormented when
I get up on my mic
and then I spread it
They forget it
When it hits too close to home
And they regret it
when the pipe bomb
that they sent doesn't explode
On Maxine Waters
They wanna bring us to the slaughter
You say she has
a low IQ
That's projection
You're stupid, dude
You have no clue
About the types
things those bigots
like to do
Did you forget the fact
they killed a million
people in Iraq?
And if you look back
at our history
They enslaved all the blacks
and they don't mention Natives
they got displaced
And killed for sport
They want to start
a master-race.
And then deport
every dark face
and then rejoice
White Christian males
The only ones
with a voice
Bringing guns to parks.
taking over the place.
Sharpshooters at Bundy Ranch.
Pointing guns in agents' faces
Angry when you call them racist
Angry when they put their head
up on their pillowcase
Angry when they wake up and start their day
They're terrorists
Conservatives are terrorists
I said and I meant it
They're tormented when
I get up on my mic
and then I spread it
They forget it
When it hits too close to home
And they regret it
when the pipe bomb
that they sent doesn't explode
That dude's my fuckin' hero
I don't watch his movies
On Netflix because I got Netzero
and it takes too long to load
but there is one thing that I know
He got up on a stage
and said FUCK TRUMP
At a big award show
And he was preaching to the choir...
