US Life Expectancy Ranking Drops, Spain Takes the Lead

  • 6 years ago
US Life Expectancy
Ranking Drops,
Spain Takes the Lead By 2040, research from the Institute
for Health Metric and Evaluation
(IHME) suggests the U.S. ranking
will drop from 43 to 64. The IHME study suggests that
Spain will beat out Japan for
the top ranking of the world's
life expectancy table. On average,
people in Spain will
live for 85.8 years. The life expectancy
for people in the U.S.
will be 79.8 in 2040. That is only 1.1 years longer
as compared to Americans'
life expectancy in 2016. The average global life
expectancy rise over that
same period is 4.4 years. The authors of the study are quick to
point out that "the future of the
world's health is not preordained." Kyle Foreman, data science director IHME, via CNN
