Brett Kavanaugh Calls Confirmation Process a 'National Disgrace'

  • 6 years ago
Brett Kavanaugh Calls
Confirmation Process
a 'National Disgrace' Kavanaugh
struggled to
maintain his composure His testimony was a
stark contrast to testimony
provided by his accuser, Dr. Blasey. President Donald Trump's
second Supreme Court nominee When mentioning
his mother, father,
wife and daughters, Kavanaugh displayed
vehement anger for the
Democratic Senators
on the Judiciary Committee. Brett Kavanaugh, Senate Judiciary Committee Testimony Kavanaugh implied that
because we was not
allowed to testify immediately, When Kavanaugh admitted
that he "probably" drank
too many beers in high school, Kavanaugh responded "I don't know," and alluded to whatever the "blood alcohol chart" said was too much. During questioning from Democratic
Senators, Kavanaugh
was openly combative. He interrupted Vermont
Senator Leahy, demanding
to be allowed to speak if
the Senator was going to "mock" him. The confirmation vote for Brett Kavanaugh is scheduled for Friday. Brett Kavanaugh, Senate Judiciary Committee Testimony
