• 7 years ago
KENYA — A hippo attacked a Taiwanese tourist over the weekend, according to the Kenya Wildlife Services.

The attack occurred on Saturday night at Lake Naivasha, approximately 58 miles from the capital of Nairobi.

Chang Ming Chuang, 65, was with a coworker taking some pictures of the hippopotamus on the lake shores when the animal charged and bit Chang in the chest, according to the BBC.

Chang was transported to the Naivasha DIstrict Hospital where he was pronounced dead. Chang's colleague, Wu Peng Te, 62, survived to ordeal and escaped with minor bruises.

According to National Geographic, hippos are some of the most dangerous animals in the world. They can snap a canoe like a twig with their massive jaws.

Around 500 people are killed in Africa every year by hippos, National Geographic reported.

