Popular Book Getting to Innovation. How Asking the Right Questions Generates the Great Ideas
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HardCover Pub Date: 2007 07 Pages: 288 in Publisher: Mcgraw-Hill As an acknowledged guru in the field of creativity and innovation. The Arthur VanGundy has inspired businesses in a variety of industries to generate more original. Cutting-edge ideas the Getting to Innovation is a detailed guide to achieving the critical first step in formulating creative and useful ideas-ie. asking the right questions that define the challenges facing any organization. Readers will discover: how to write positioning and rationale statements for each challenge how to link together multiple objectives in priority frameworks the top 10 techniques for generating creative ideas tips for designing and running ainstorming retreats advice on how to select the best ideas ...
HardCover Pub Date: 2007 07 Pages: 288 in Publisher: Mcgraw-Hill As an acknowledged guru in the field of creativity and innovation. The Arthur VanGundy has inspired businesses in a variety of industries to generate more original. Cutting-edge ideas the Getting to Innovation is a detailed guide to achieving the critical first step in formulating creative and useful ideas-ie. asking the right questions that define the challenges facing any organization. Readers will discover: how to write positioning and rationale statements for each challenge how to link together multiple objectives in priority frameworks the top 10 techniques for generating creative ideas tips for designing and running ainstorming retreats advice on how to select the best ideas ...
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