Popular Color Your Own Deadpool Again! Full

  • 6 years ago
Clik here https://newforyou.space/?book=1302912054
You ve finished the first COLOR YOUR OWN DEADPOOL? You ve still got red pens, pencils or crayons left? Well, why not do it all over again? We ve got more black-and-white pages of Wade Wilson artwork by some of the best to ever tackle the Merc with a Mouth! It s up to you to throw some shades at the Sassin Assassin and his uncanny cast of friends and foes - including his succubus bride Shiklah, the rainbow Deadpool squad known as the Mercs for Money, the maniacal Madcap and Wade s best bro Spider-Man! And there s a good chance we ll also bring out the big guns - and we mean really big guns - like Cable! So dig deep in your pouches to find your implements of choice, and give maximum effort to coloring your own Deadpool - again!
