Popular Book Evidence (University Casebook Series) Unlimited acces Best Sellers Rank : #3
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Prompted by mounting changes and mounting confusion in constitutional evidence law and by the new restyling of the Federal Rules of Evidence, this Edition presents the familiar student-friendly textbook, now with these improvements: Presents and digests the latest Confrontation Clause caselaw, including Williams v. Illinois , 132 S. Ct. 2221 (2012); Fully incorporates the restyled Federal Rules of Evidence; Surveys the latest scholarship and caselaw to assess the current validity of a range of forensic sciences; Presents new cases and problems throughout, while carefully retaining tried-and-true teaching tools, however old, that have shown no sign of wear. As with past editions, this new text addresses the intricacies of evidentiary law in a way students will find both engaging and intellectually compelling. The casebook and accompanying rulebook are wholly integrated, with paginated cross-references that encourage students to consult legislative history. The accompanying teacher s manual serves as a multi-resource companion for firsttime evidence instructors.
Prompted by mounting changes and mounting confusion in constitutional evidence law and by the new restyling of the Federal Rules of Evidence, this Edition presents the familiar student-friendly textbook, now with these improvements: Presents and digests the latest Confrontation Clause caselaw, including Williams v. Illinois , 132 S. Ct. 2221 (2012); Fully incorporates the restyled Federal Rules of Evidence; Surveys the latest scholarship and caselaw to assess the current validity of a range of forensic sciences; Presents new cases and problems throughout, while carefully retaining tried-and-true teaching tools, however old, that have shown no sign of wear. As with past editions, this new text addresses the intricacies of evidentiary law in a way students will find both engaging and intellectually compelling. The casebook and accompanying rulebook are wholly integrated, with paginated cross-references that encourage students to consult legislative history. The accompanying teacher s manual serves as a multi-resource companion for firsttime evidence instructors.