Best seller Advanced Multitasking: Do More, Work Less, Be Happy Full

  • 6 years ago
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Advanced Multitasking is a simple, innovative work model that enables you to do more, work less, and be happy. Although multitasking has rightfully been labeled harmful, it is still considered a key skillset in today s fast-paced, ever-evolving workplace. But the truth is, multitasking does not exist! In his book, Michael Sanders shows how multitasking really works, what it does to you, and better and more satisfying ways to get the right things done. His model combines extensive research, experience and proven results to form a highly effective work process. Michael s power tools enables you to perform at significantly higher levels, using all four of your cognitive brains (yes, four). You need to function even more quickly and effectively to thrive in our global economy. Do more, work less, and be happy with Advanced Multitasking.
