Best seller How To Become The Go-To Person: Make yourself indispensable! Full

  • 6 years ago
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Corporates have begun to move away from ratings systems for performance reviews and instead are focusing on outcomes. If you are lucky enough to receive a bonus it will be set on those outcomes. It s guaranteed to raise productivity as it s a simple process to set your goals for a certain time period and you either meet them or you don t. However, it s not just that simple. Companies are taking a more holistic approach and it s the complete person they look at now, not just how you perform in a certain role. Are you helpful and friendly to customers and colleagues? Can you prioritise? Are you accountable for your outcomes? Your development? Are you consistently improving? If you value being necessary at work, this book is for you. Why would you want to be the person that everyone comes to for help? Because that s the kind of person you are. It s what gives you the good feeling at the end of the day. The satisfaction and knowledge that you ve made someone s day a little bit easier. You can learn how to DO the tasks of your role at school and college but you also need to learn how to BE at work. How to make an impression and bring yourself to the notice (in a good way) of the influencers in your company. Short, sharp and concise, How To Become The Go-To Person pulls no punches when it comes to navigating corporate life and how you need to act to be successful. It s not enough just to turn up at work; you ve got to be a contributor. Learn how to do this from the author with 30 years experience in companies that range from the small family firm to the large corporates. When you ve mastered the ideas in this book you will be the Go-To person.