Audio book Indie Author s Toolbox: How to create, publish, and market your Kindle book FAVORITE

  • 6 years ago
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Selling books on Amazon isn t easy It s estimated 6,000 new eBooks start out free on Amazon everyday Your book is just a small fish in a big pond If you want to sell more books - you need to make a plan "Indie Author s Toolbox" was written for new and experienced authors alike. It s a guide to optimizing your book for Kindle, but - it doesn t stop there. Too many authors look at Kindle as the final destination for their books. They re so caught up in optimizing their book for Amazon, running KDP Free Days, Countdown Deals, and cycling prices that they forget - Millions of people have never bought a Kindle book, let alone any kind of eBook. You need to explore other self-publishing platforms that will allow you to maximize revenue from your book. Here is a sampling of the platforms this book is going to explore 1. Create Space 2. Audible (ACX) 3. Babelcube 4. Smashwords 5. Barnes & Noble 6. Google Play & Google Books 7. Kobo For you hardcore Amazon addicts, I m going to share a little information that can help you, too. There are no secrets No tricks. No magical incantations you can invoke to sell more books on Amazon, or any other online book site for that matter. Selling more books is all about how you manage the basics. It s about - 1. Writing a good book 2. Selecting a killer title 3. Creating an attention grabbing cover 4. Writing a book description that compels readers to click the buy button 5. Choosing keywords that drive searchers to your book 6. Ensuring your "look inside" sample sells your book If you can do these six steps well your book is going to sell. Misfire on any of them, and you re going to have problems. But, that s only half the battle You need to - . Understand how to select books that will sell best on Amazon . Learn how to establish your author presence on and off Amazon . Know how to revive a dead or dying book If you re ready to sell more books - both on and off of Amazon Buy this book And get started - TODAY!