Inside the Philippines only LGBT church

  • 6 years ago
A pastor gives a service at the only church in the Philippines catering for LGBT people - amidst a growing demand for equal rights in the country.

Rev Ceejay Agbayni, 44, opened the place of worship in 2012 in Quezon City - claiming to be the only church in the country that accepts homosexuals.

Rej Ceejay, who has been living with his male partner for 12 years, says that other places allow gays but then try to change them with endless verses of damn nation.

His continued defiance of church norms comes as the LGBT community in the overwhelmingly Catholic Philippines makes growing demands for same-sex marriage rights, with thousands regularly taking part in protest marches.

Rev Ceejay said: ''We are an affirming church in a sense that they won’t change you if your gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender which is the problem with traditional church.

''The traditional church would welcome you but once your inside you have to conform with the norm. If you’re gay you have to dress as a man and trim your hair. They would even tell you there are no GAYS in heaven and you are condemned in the bible.

''Those LGBT who feel condemned won’t go to church, or worst they will not believe in God anymore or switch to other non-abrahamic religion like Buddhism or Hinduism.''

Rev Ceejay says he has been ''continually bullied'' all his career by other clergymen but has remained ''true to himself and his sexuality''.

He risks castigation from church bosses by openly welcoming LGBT people but says he will continue to operate the small, underground church.