Revolutionising rabbit farming in Benin

  • il y a 6 ans
Aziz Sènan AGOSSOU is a graduate in animal production. In 2014, he ventured in to the production of exotic breeds of rabbits.

At a young age, Aziz watched his older brother perform experiments, especially on rabbits. Later, after university, Aziz decided to start rabbit production, an activity which is still under-developed in Benin. It was also an opportunity for him to stand out from many people who practiced poultry farming. Since the local rabbit breed took 6 months to reach maturity, Aziz bought a breed from Europe that could reach maturity in just 2 months. This shorter production cycle has made it more competitive on the local market and he currently produces 5 tonnes of rabbit meat per year.

“Based on its dietary qualities, the rabbit is the best meat. Any doctor can advise you to eat it and anyone can eat rabbit meat,” says Aziz.
