Hatene metade labarik timoroan husi tinan lima mai kraik sofre malnutrisaun? Australia kontente tebes atu servisu hamutuk ho Gabinete Prezidensiál hodi suporta

  • há 6 anos
Hatene metade labarik timoroan husi tinan lima mai kraik sofre malnutrisaun? Australia kontente tebes atu servisu hamutuk ho Gabinete Prezidensiál hodi suporta komunidade sira atu konsumi ai-han nutritivu barak liutan! Haree filmajen kona-ba suco sira iha Timor-Leste laran tomak nebe manan ona Premiu Nutrisaun Prezidente, no servisu makaas liutan atu hadia komunidade sira nia saude! Parabens!
Did you know that half of all Timorese children under the age of 5 suffer from malnutrition? Australia is very glad to be working with the Office of the President to support communities to eat more nutritious food! Watch this film about villages across Timor-Leste that have won a President’s Nutrition Award, and are working hard to improve the health of their community! Parabens!

Premiu Nutrisaun Prezidente
Partnership for Human Development Australia Timor-Leste
