• 5 years ago
It's been a long (and sometimes hard) nine months, but suddenly you're on your way home from the hospital, probably slightly dazed, with a newborn baby nestled comfortably in their car seat.

You've given birth...now what? How to look after your new baby? What if you don't know what to do? What if it's total chaos (spoiler alert: this is a given)?

Mumsnetters give their top tips for getting through the first few weeks with a newborn - from coping with tiredness and an influx of visitors to figuring out that the baby books don't always know best.

What do you remember about those first few weeks of parenthood? Share your haziest memories and sanity-saving tips in the comments below - and don't forget to subscribe to the Mumsnet YouTube channel.

And lastly, here's everything you need to know about preparing for life with a newborn, from your newborn essentials shopping list to dos and don'ts for the first few weeks: https://www.mumsnet.com/pregnancy/preparing-for-life-with-a-newborn