Day in the Life w/a CORGI Dog || Life After College: Ep. 600
  • 6 yıl önce
To Celebrate 600 Vlogs, I throw it back to our full day in the life vlog. Enjoy everything we do including: Corgi Dog Routine, Aquarium Routine, Cooking Meals, Exercise, Cleaning, and More!

15% off T-shirts this week ONLY (use code "GATSBY" at checkout)



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P.O. Box 111124
Campbell, CA 95011-1124

- Morning Routine with Corgi & Ukulele (Lean on me)
- Making Breakfast: Scrambled Eggs, Bagel, Bacon, and Papaya
- Corgi's Flea and Tick Medication
- Giveaway & T-shirt SALE (15% off use code "GATSBY") at
- Going to the vet to get the Dog Flu Vaccination
- Cleaning apartment with Neato Robot Vacuum Cleaner:
- Gym Workout in Strong Lift Wear Gear
- Grocery Shopping Haul for Dinner Food
-- Naked Mass Protein Supplement:
-- Gatsby Moving Rubber Hair Product:
- Marinating Chicken in Island Teriyaki Sauce for Dinner
- Meeting with Shawnsecrets () to grab Smitten Ice Cream and Amazon Book Store
- Saltwater Reef Aquarium Feeding Mysis Shrimp to fish and Corals PLUS New Coral: Yuma, Ricordea, and Clove Polyp Corals
- Gatsby Exercising with Jack the Frenchie (French Bulldog) at the Google Campus Park
- Making Teriyaki Chicken Yakitori Shish-kabob grilled on the BBQ with onions, Shichimi Pepper, and Lemon
- Corgi's Dinner of Green Tripe
- Looking back at Episode 1
- Trying a 7-Up Cake
- Night Routine with a Corgi