Lawrence Summers: Decoding the DNA of Education in Search of Actual Knowledge

  • 6 years ago
The Authority of Ideas: Decoding the DNA of Education in Search of Actual Knowledge.

Lawrence Summers, Charles W. Eliot University Professor at Harvard University, Economist, Former President of Harvard

What will historians say about us 250 years from now? Larry Summers, former Harvard University president and economic adviser to President Obama, asks this question in a thought-provoking eSeminar about the evolution of ideas and the critical importance of education in an increasingly multi-faceted world. This will be a moment in history when the world evolved from a world governed by the idea of authority to a world governed by the authority of ideas, says Summers. Then he tells you how to be a part of the next great revolution.

The Floating University
Originally released September 2011.

Additional Lectures:
Michio Kaku: The Universe in a Nutshell

Joel Cohen: An Introduction to Demography (Malthus Miffed: Are People the Problem?)

Steven Pinker: Linguistics as a Window to Understanding the Brain

Leon Botstein: Art Now (Aesthetics Across Music, Painting, Architecture, Movies, and More.)

Tamar Gendler: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Politics and Economics

Nicholas Christakis: The Sociological Science Behind Social Networks and Social Influence

Paul Bloom: The Psychology of Everything: What Compassion, Racism, and Sex tell us about Human Nature

Saul Levmore: Monopolies as an Introduction to Economics