William Easterly: What is the Way Out of Poverty?

  • 6 years ago

Easterly talks about poverty.

Poor people are their own best resource in escaping poverty. They are very resourceful. They are already conquering problems every day that are many times greater than you or I ever have to face. That's how resourceful they are. And they are surviving, and they have a life, and I respect them. I'm not going to be patronizing and say, "Here I am the 21st century of the white man's burden coming in to save you," which I think is the problem of people like Jeff Sacks and Bono. I want to be helpful, but I don't want to be patronizing. Recorded On: 7/6/07

Poor people are their own best resource in escaping poverty. They are very resourceful. They are already conquering problems every day that are many times greater than you or I ever have to face. That's how resourceful they are. And they are surviving, and they have a life, and I respect them. I'm not going to be patronizing and say, "Here I am the 21st century of the white man's burden coming in to save you," which I think is the problem of people like Jeff Sacks and Bono. I want to be helpful, but I don't want to be patronizing. Recorded On: 7/6/07