The Oprah Effect

  • 6 years ago
What does it say about our system that one person can make such an impact?

Question: What impact has your friendship with Oprah had on you?
John Legend:  Well I wouldn't call Oprah and I close friends. She's been really helpful to me, and I have so much respect for her. I've had the opportunity to spend time with her a few times, and I think she's one of the most amazing individuals in the world, truly. She's done so much good for the world, and she's been so successful, and she represents herself and, frankly, she represents Black people really well.
She's someone that we are really proud of. And I'm proud to be associated with her. I'm proud that she loves my music enough to recommend it to her fans, and it means something.
And I think she's a great example of someone who has been very careful with her brand, and has a name that actually means something. That when she associates herself with something, it carries weight. And how many people can say that?
It's really impressive, and I'm proud that she's decided that my music is something that she really loves, and that she finds worth recommending to people.
Recorded on: Jan 29, 2008

Question: What impact has your friendship with Oprah had on you?
John Legend:  Well I wouldn't call Oprah and I close friends. She's been really helpful to me, and I have so much respect for her. I've had the opportunity to spend time with her a few times, and I think she's one of the most amazing individuals in the world, truly. She's done so much good for the world, and she's been so successful, and she represents herself and, frankly, she represents Black people really well.
She's someone that we are really proud of. And I'm proud to be associated with her. I'm proud that she loves my music enough to recommend it to her fans, and it means something.
And I think she's a great example of someone who has been very careful with her brand, and has a name that actually means something. That when she associates herself with something, it carries weight. And how many people can say that?
It's really impressive, and I'm proud that she's decided that my music is something that she really loves, and that she finds worth recommending to people.
Recorded on: Jan 29, 2008
