• 6 years ago
Finally an updated AMDV! I hope you all enjoy the video! As for Aspen Heights and all those video shenanigans… starting today I will be posting a video every Saturday and Sunday in preparation for Season 4. The first video will be posted later in the day, Im going to start editing and uploading right after this video is up ;) Im going to keep each video a surprise but here are the dates:\r
Nov 8- ?\r
Nov 9-?\r
Nov 15-?\r
Nov 16-?\r
Nov 22-?\r
Nov 23-?\r
Nov 29-?\r
Nov 30- Aspen Heights Season 4 Premiere \r
I think I just had a heart attack because thats a lot of videos… and on top of that I have a newtype thing starting on monday! I was supposed to upload it last week but I didnt get home until after 8 or 9 every day because it was tech week for my schools musical! Anyways Thanks for watching! :) AND THANKS FOR 16k+ WHAT THE EVEN FREAKING HECKIDY
