9 Most Dangerous Bears

  • 6 years ago
From the very deadly Kodiak brown bears to the cute but ultimately vicious panda bears here is a list of the 9 most dangerous bears!!\r
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4. Malayan Bear\r
With its long tongue, the Malayan Bear appears as though it could lick you to death if anything. Also known as the Sun bear this is the smallest member of bears. The name is quite ironic due to the f that these bears are ually nocturnal, but theyre known to live in sunny areas of india. Indonesia and southern China.The sun bear ually gets this nickname because of the golden crescent along their chest. They weigh on average 150 pounds and reach heights of 5 feet tall on two feet. Dont let his size fool you though, Theyre known to quite aggressive. They really dont need a reason to attack. Despite them being primarily herbivores, they have large teeth, comparable to lions and tigers. Although many zoos believe these bears are more calm than the others and let people pet them, they can be quite unpredictable and strike without warning.\r
3. American Black Bears\r
These medium sized bears are native to North America and are one of the more common species of bears. Their diets vary greatly depending on their locations what season it is. When food becomes scarce they are known for leaving the forest and go to more urban areas. These 300 pound omnivores can run extremely fast and no one is fast enough to beat this beast in a foot race. They can reach speeds of 50 feet per second! A woman in New Mexico was attacked by a black bear in June 2016. While competing in a Marathon she was subdued by the 300 pound black bear and she then suffered severe bites and scratches to the face, neck and upper torso. This goes to show you how they can strike basically anywhere at anytime. They are very territorial of their cubs and will get quite violent in an attempt to defend them. Luckily this time, the victim survived, but the next one, may not be so lucky.\r
2. Grizzly Bear\r
This large species of brown enjoys eating much more than just salmon swimming up stream. They can and will eat just about anything, including humans. Depending how much food it can find, especially fish, they can grow up to 1000 pounds. Grizzlies will also fight among themselves for the best fishing locations. With their explosive speeds, sharp claws and powerful jaws, they can chase down their prey just as effectively as most predators. The last thing you want to do is be in the same enclosure as a grizzly bear. These dramatic photos were taken of an intruder at a Swiss zoo in new and you notice the sheer size between humans and bears. Needless to say, he was severely mauled and pinned down by the extreme weight. Grizzlies are also scavengers and will eat the remains of carcasses left by other predators. In this incredible photo taken in Alaska, shows a sloth of bears getting ready to eat the remains of a whale that washed up on the shore. Its almost like hitting a bear jackpot!\r
1.Polar Bears\r
Polar bears may look cute and cuddly, until theyre completely drenched in the blood of their enemies. Females can weigh up to 11 hundred pounds while being 8 feet tall on two feet. Male polar bears are so dangerous, even to their own cubs are safe. When seals are scarce, especially summer, sometimes the only food left to eat is their own children. This is probably something that will continue to happen with polar ice caps melting. Unlike other species of bears, polar bears are completely carnivorous, mostly due to their habitat. With fewer resources to hunt, polar bears must be extremely proficient when its spotted a potential prey. They are excellent swimmers and are known for being able to catch seals underwater. Since human developments, especially in places like Russias far east, and northern Canada, infringe on polar bear territory, attacks like this one can happen and are rare but still vicious. Luckily villagers were able to scare it off eventually but not without teaching this woman a lesson not to mess with polar bears.
