Brit Adventurer Sarah Outen almost done with manpower loop of Earth

  • 5 years ago
Sarah has kayaked from London to France, cycled 11,000 miles across Europe and Asia; kayaked from Russia to Japan; rowed across the Pacific Ocean to Alaska; kayaked 1,500 miles along the Aleutian Islands and has now cycled 4,500 miles through Alaska, Canada and the United States in one of the harshest winters the country has seen. Enduring temperatures of -40C, blizzards and icy roads, as well as crossing the Rocky Mountains in the autumn, Sarah said that the threat of bears as she camped solo "was a constant fear”. She will stay in New York for two weeks before cycling 400 miles to Cape Cod where she will prepare for the final leg of her expedition - rowing solo across the Atlantic Ocean back to the UK. A journey of 3000 nautical miles which will take her nearly 4 months. She will then cycle, kayak and row back to Tower Bridge - ETA September 2015. A journey of 25,000 miles in total which will have taken her 4.5 years.