Brooks Birthday Trucks Arrive in the Mail from Washington

  • 6 years ago
In thisof Simply Being Human, we just got back from visiting family in Washington State! While we were there Aunt Sarah, Uncle Patrick, and Cousins Axel and River (SouthHouse TV, The Axel Show, Axel Trucks) got Brooks a present for his birthday. We couldnt fit it in our suitcase on the flight back so they sent it to us in the mail. \r
When we opened the giant box with the present in it we discovered that not only did they send us the Green Tonka Recycling Truck, they also sent us A TON of miniature toy Caterpillar construction trucks. They sent multiples so that we could all play with each one of the trucks! \r
We got miniature toy dump trucks, backhoes, bulldozers, front end loaders, and some that we didnt even know the names for. Brooks was super excited to be able to have the trucks (he calls them Acul Trucks because he watches both Axel Trucks and The Axel Show ALL THE TIME). \r
When we were in Washington he got to spend all day playing with Axels trucks and now he has some of his own that he can use his imagination with to have awesome adventures. \r
Thank you SO MUCH for the trucks Uncle Patrick, Aunt Sarah, Axel and River! We play with them EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. ALL. DAY.