12 Most Incredible LIFE Saving Rescues

  • 6 years ago
From the HEROIC Rescue of buried miners, to the most intense ski lift accident; These are 12 Most INCREDIBLE Lifesaving Rescues !\r
Subscribe to American Eye \r
12. Migrant May Day\r
11. Spaghetti the Dog\r
10. Baby Owl Rescue!\r
9. One Lucky Pup\r
8. Orangutan Rescue Plan\r
7. \r
6. A Daring Proposal\r
5. Chairlift Catastrophe\r
The Rocky Mountains are certainly a beautiful place in winter time and people from all over the world come to this amazing mountain range to go skiing, but sometimes, disaster can strike! A victim got tangled up the the chairlift in January 2017 at the Arapahoe Basin and was found hanging unconscious by his neck! The frightening scene was captured on tape and luckily for him, a ski patroller spotted the incident and managed to cut him down! This seems like the last thing you expect to see happen while skiing. The victim says he doesnt remember anything from the entire event and the whole thing was just a blur. The man who rescued him claimed it was one of the scariest things he had seen in his life! \r
4. The Survivor\r
A 72 year old woman in Arizona survived being stranded in the Arizona desert for nine days and credits a survival course she went to. She said she took a couple wrong turns on the highway, got lost and her car broke down! As she began to get hungry she managed to find edible plants and even a turtle to eat! She knew the plants were edible from the course she had taken where she carefully studied the desert. She managed to make a help sign from sticks and stones and started a fire! Luckily a helicopter flew by and saved her! She was taken to a hospital to an ambulance to see if she had suffered any illnesses but she turned out to be ok. \r
3. Down The Well\r
What would you do your five your old son was trapped down a well? How would you go about saving them? A child was playing outside his house in China, when all of a sudden fell deep into a 10 foot hole in the ground. Not only were they worried that he could be seriously injured from the fall, it was going to certainly be a challenge get him out of there! A firefighter was carefully lowered into the pit and rescued the child from danger! The little boy was hysterical, wet, had a black and frantic but after 11 minutes he turned out to be A-OK. This kid might have been a little too good at playing hide and seek\r
2. Oh Dear\r
All lives matter including dear lives. A young man in bangladesh selflessly risked his own life to save one of a baby deer who was at risk of drowning from a surging river. Onlookers are amazed as he raises the baby deer in the air with one hand, almost like he caught the game winning touchdown pass. The little baby fawn will now get to appreciate its life and was reunited with its family. They may not be able to express it verbally, but were sure the deers family appreciates what happened on this day. \r
1.. Quecreek Mine Rescue\r
July 28, 2002 nine coal miners in the state of Pennsylvania were trapped underground due massive amounts of flooding! This was such a high profile rescue that the location is now a historical site. They were underground when 50 to 60 millions of gallons of water rushed through the underground tunnels. When a wall was drilled into from a different flooded mine nearby, as demonstrated in this illustration. Elaborate efforts were made in order to save the all 9 of the miners were removed 1 by 1 from a 22 inch wide cage from the rescue shaft that was dug 150 feet deep. Here we see the dramatic moment at 12:30 am when the first one to walk out was Randall Fogle and it was a miraculous for those watching. His first words were, “ive been down there for 3 days”! The men claimed to be extremely cold from the frigid conditions. The lowest body temperature was recorded at 92 degrees fahrenheit, 6 degrees well below the average. The final miner was lifted to the surface at 2:30 but you ask any of the men, theyll tell you theyre not that the same after the incident.
