Sit down with Professor Song on N. Korea issues

  • 6 years ago
The past couple of days have passed like a roller coaster ride for the two Koreas and the U.S.,.. with North Korea suddenly threatening to pull back from the summit... while U.S. President Donald Trump actually *canceled the summit in response.
But over the weekend, President Moon Jae-in and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un met for the second time in a surprise meeting... during which Mr. Kim committed to sitting down with Mr. Trump.
To tell us more about this... Professor Song Se-ryun from Kyung Hee University joins us in the studio today.
Hello professor.

Great to be here.

1- Let's start off with that surprise meeting between President Moon and Kim Jong-un.
How did this come about?

2- And Mr. Moon announced Kim Jong-un's willingness to sit down with Mr. Trump and also to denuclearize.... how sincere do you think Mr. Kim is this time?
What is North Korea's perspective on denuclearization at this point and will Pyongyang and Washington be able to find a middle ground when they meet in this regard?

3- A team of U.S. officials are in North Korea to discuss logistics of the Kim- Trump summit.... what do you think they talked about there?

4- So what are some of the things that we should keep a close eye on until the summit?
What are the possibilities of us seeing North Korea or the U.S. pull out of the summit again?

Thank you so much for your insight today.

My pleasure.
