Future of the Worlds in Countryballs (The Three Worlds): Episode 3: The Message

  • 6 years ago
The Three Worlds is a non-canonto two of myknown as Future of Asia and Future of the Worlds. However, events in thismay be related to Future of Europe . Thisinvolves nations from those threewhere they will be able to meet each other and shape their destiny. However, their meeting may only be the beginning of what may happen in VoidVipers dream world.\r
Future of the Worlds in Countryballs is an #AlternativeFuture and mapping . This is a fictionalthat is not realistic, real, and political and is intended to create a fictional story. Polandball is simply an another word for #CountryBalls .\r
---Links to the Series---\r
Future of Europe with Countryballs Season 4:\r
Future of the World in Countryballs Season 2: Tides of the Hybrid The Movie:\r
Future of Asia in Countryballs The Movie: \r
▼ Series Playlist ▼\r
Episode 2: \r
Episode 4: \r
---- Creators Note ----\r
Welcome to the thirdof Future of the Worlds in Countryballs, The Three Worlds. Thiswill be focused on USA and Russia meeting the other USA and Russia (Eurasian Union) in which both complains about how terrible their past history was. During that, the message that Xytec carries will have to reach Obselia somehow.\r
Mistakes found: During the scene in the purple dimension, i was not capitalized.\r
During the scene outside of the purple portal, a question that was asked had a period instead of a question mark. In addition, at the end of controlled, there was an extra l. \r
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InvisibleKiller Font Used Under: Single person license or Small Company
