Man decides to turn himself into a real life elf by spending $60,000

  • 6 years ago
FORMOSA, ARGENTINA — An Argentinian man has spent a whopping $60,000 to transform himself into a mythical being straight out of a Tolkien fantasy.

The Daily Mirror reports that last week, Luis Padron was in Los Angeles to go under the knife to cut and reshape his ears to look pointy, like an elf.

And shortly before that, Padron went all the way to South Korea to get V-line jaw surgery. The doctors had to break his jaw, fill it and screw back his jaw together in order to achieve the perfect diamond shape.

Padron mentioned he has wanted to transform himself into a mythical creature ever since he was a teenager as he used to be bullied and would instead find solace and acceptance in the fantasyworld.

Padron says he feels much more comfortable with his body. He'll need to wait a few months for all the surgeries heal, but once that's set, it's on to Rivendell!

Padron has more than 50,000 followers on instagram and regularly shares photos of himself in various cosplay.

His ultimate dream is to live out the elf fantasy, so he's hoping get cast in the new Lord of the Rings TV series.