Why - Ariel Mançanares (original song live)

  • 6 years ago
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This is me and the guys performing this song I wrote
hope you enjoy
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Since I met you I can't
Get you of my head and
I don't know what to do about it

And if is there a way of not
thinking about you
tell me 'cause I'm going crazy

And why do I always crush on people who don't live near
And Why am I such a fool about it

I wish I could see you again
if you didn't have to leave so soon
and I know it sound stupid
that's why I was ashamed to tell you this
I always tell too much, too much

And Why do I always crush on people who don't live near?
Why am I such a fool about it?

And I don't know what I should say
What I should wait for
'cuz I don't even know
if I will see you ever again

And Why do I always crush on people who don't live near?
Why am I such a fool about it?
And Why do I always crush on people who don't live near?
Why am I such a fool about it?