Blockchain-based GLN wants a piece of Steam and Apple gaming

  • 6 years ago
LAKE LOTAWANA, MISSOURI — Game Loot Network Holdings is planning to use blockchain technology to create an alternative gaming market and player reward system.

According to Digital Trends, GLN has raised $2.5 million in presales, but will hold an initial coin offering on May 29.

The company said during a test run, they saw $5 million in transactions and had 65,000 users.
The gaming company will use blockchain to handle transactions and its cryptocurrency, known as Loot, as part of its reward system.
GLN will also offer a platform called Build to let independent game developers submit game ideas, story concepts and demos, which will also allow gamers to support developers using the Loot digital currency.

GLN hopes that by using blockchain, it will help in competing with more established players in the PC and mobile-gaming market, like Steam and Apple.
