Kareena Kapoor Off To BABYMOON With Saif Ali Khan

  • 6 years ago
Kareena Kapoor Khan and Saif Ali Khan go on a mini vacation
The soon-to-be parents, Nawab Saif Ali Khan and Begum Kareena Kapoor Khan took off on a mini vacation, just before taking up parental responsibilities.

Although we know that the couple’s favorite holiday destination is Switzerland, this time we have no idea about where they are headed to. The two are expecting their first baby this December. Apparently, the hubby wants to spend some quality time with his Begum before her due date.

Initially, Kareena was tight-lipped about her pregnancy, however when the news started spreading, she gave in and confirmed her pregnancy to the media. Also, rumors had it that the soon-to-be mommy would take a maternity break which upset Kareena. She turned down the rumors as baseless and also announced that her pregnancy has nothing to do with her career and asked the media to not make her pregnancy a national casualty. Well, it’s time we spare the couple a few days and let them have the time of their lives.
