Kapil Sharma UPSET On Salman Khan's Behaviour

  • 6 years ago
Why would anyone want to be angry at Salman? Well Kapil surely does for he feels miffed Sallu is now part of the rival comedy show Comedy Nights Bachao.
Didn’t we share with you the pics of the Hero promotion where Salman and his protégés Sooraj and Athiya had a ball? Well Kapil obviously has not taken it sportingly and has decided to keep Bollywood outta his stuff.
That’s like sour grapes huh? Salman never said no to Kapil and why would Bhai have to be answerable to a just abhi hua stand up comedian. To a great extent it is the Hollywood connection that has done the swift talking Kapil some good hai na?
Well well well that’s how it is and that’s how it would be till Kapil realizes what stuff Salman is made of what say? As for Salman he would only do what he feels is right in his place.
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