14 Strangest Animal Breeds And Species

  • 6 yıl önce
From the strange looking Okapi to the nearly mystic Ligers and Tigons, here are 14 Strangest Animal Breeds and Species. \r
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7. Okapi (oh-copy)\r
Native to the wilderness of the Democratic Republic of Congo, the okapi would look mightily strange to someone who has never been familiar with this breed of hoofed mammal. Though their stripes and size more closely resemble that of the more recognizable zebra, okapis are more closely related to animals like giraffes, which are basically their tall, spotted cousins. Okapis and giraffes, if you can believe it, are the only animals part of the family of Giraffidae to still be alive. These guys are herbivores, with diets that consist mostly of fruits, grasses, leaves, and fungi--kind of like a lot people who buy their groceries like Whole Foods.\r
6. Geep\r
The sheep-goat hybrid is also known by the rather adorable name of the “geep” which matches this little young ones adorable looks. You would think itd make a lot of sense for a sheep and goat to mate together, the two animals ually belong to two separate genera. Many times, when the two do mate, it results in stillbirths. This particular little geep is one of the exceptions. Named Butterfly, she was born at My Petting Zoo in Scottsdale, Arizona 3 years ago. And talk about not being a planned birth. Zoo workers had no idea that Butterflys mother was even pregnant.\r
5. Bearded Vultures\r
If theres a boss bird to ever exist, then the bearded vulture has to be among one of them. Their more official names are the ossifrage or the lammergeier (lammer guy er). These old world vultures live in regions that span from Africa, Europe, and Asia--with notable locations being the Himalayas, China, and the Arabian Peninsula. They scavenge like any other vulture and have quite the taste for bones--or bone marrow to be ex. With a lot of them having long, fiery colored feathers, the bearded vulture does kind of resemble what a phoenix might look like, dont you think? \r
4. The Tibetan Mastiff\r
How can something look so fluffy yet at the same time look so frightening? The Tibetan mastiff is the breed of dog that can do both. As implied in their name, they originated from places along South Asia like India, Nepal, and of course Tibet. Male Tibetan mastiffs can be as tall as 83 cm, or over 30 inches and are recorded to weigh up to 72 kg or 160 pounds. These domesticated animals are usually flock guardian dogs and are said to be rather intelligent--if not a little headstrong. \r
3. The Featherless Chicken\r
Otherwise known as “bald chickens” this breed of featherless chickens were created at the Hebrew University in Israel and made headlines nearly 20 years ago. After the reveal of the new breed, it caused quite a stir not only in the science community, but around the world. The project was led by Avigdor Cahaner, a professor at the university. He insists that the chickens are not genetically modified like many who were upset or critical of the new bred mightve thought. The bald chicken apparently come from a breed thats been known to the world for more than half a century now. The baldness was thought to perhaps make it easier for chickens to be sold as food since they require no plucking.\r
2. Pacu Fish\r
For a number of reasons, seeing a pacu fishs mouth open with its teeth bared are unsettling. Pacu fish are most notably known to have fish that resemble that of a humans, which is probably why it looks so strange. When you think of a fish and human hybrid, a mermaid usually comes to mind. Not this. As an explanation for their strange mouths, it probably has something to do with the f that theyre very closely related to piranhas. The kind of cool news is that pacu fish are not carnivores and mostly eat vegetation found in their water environment. You can sneak a peek at these dental wonder fish in the freshwaters of South America.\r
1. Ligers and Tigons\r
You could easily make a really clever reference to Napoleon Dynamite or The Wizard of Oz right now, but lets most of that aside. Ligers, as most of you know or could tell by the name, is the crossbreed between a female tiger and a male lion. On the other hand, there is the similar tigon, whose parents would be a male tiger and a female lion--which apparently arent as common as their liger counterparts. These types of breeds go back as far as the 19th century. Theyre not so different from tigers and lions in most respects. For a long time, many people thought that ligers and tigons were sterile, though there has been evidence of births to point to the contrary on that claim.
