Muslim woman asks a question and probably wishes she didnt

  • 6 years ago
This woman tells the truth and i salute her! \r
I dont censorship comments. Write what is on your mind, but dont spam!\r
From Wikipedia: She frequently speaks at American conservative organizations such as The Heritage Foundation, Christians United for Israel, Evangelicals and Jewish groups. In her own words, she gives voice to what many in America are thinking but afraid to say out loud, for fear of being labeled a racist, bigot, Islamophobic, or intolerant.\r
Muslim people Islam is bad Islam is good Are Muslims terrorists Are there any good muslims Americas war on terror Political Correctness Muslim asks a question Muslims are not terrorists Muslim extremists Muslims in America She got owned You did not expect this answer Smart woman Intelligent woman Religion Quran Criticism of Islam\r
Är muslimer terrorister Är muslimer bra Muslim ställer en fråga Är Islam dåligt för samhället Muslim blir ägd Koranen
