13 Camping Hacks That Will Save Your Life

  • 6 years ago
On your next camping trip make sure to use some of these amazing and possibly life-saving hacks like a DIY solar microwave! \r
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7. Fire Starter\r
Did you know that lint in your dryer is extremely flammable? This is ually the perfect ingredient to bring with you on a camping trip if you need to get a fire going and dont have a gallon of gasoline with you. Lint can be stored perfectly in empty toilet paper rolls and you got one of the best possible campfire starters around. \r
6. Pancakes To Go!\r
Ok you got your fire going with some sweet, lint toilet paper rolls and youre ready for the fun to begin. But hold on a minute! Someone didnt bring all the ingredients for the pancakes! No way. You dont have to worry about your camping trip getting ruined like this any longer with this camping hack! All you gotta do is grab yourself an empty ketchup bottle, fill it with pancake or flap jack premade batter and you got yourself a pretty sweet way to make them. All you gotta do is squeeze them on the pan et voila. Just be sure to keep the mix cool so the eggs wont cause salmonella \r
5. Keeping Bears Away\r
We discussed in our survival tips video about what to do if you encounter an angry bear. But you should really try to keep them away in the first place! First thing you should really consider is getting yourself whats known as a bear bag! Hopefully, this will keep the bear from invading your tent like we see in this photo. If all goes as planned, the bear wont be able to smell that your have a picnic going on. If youre hunting, dont carry on to dead animals for too long. This makes you prime target for bears. Bears will eat just about anything, not just honey like youve seen from winey and the pooh. Bears sense of smell is so keen, that it can even smell the chewing gum in your mouth. \r
4. A Brighter Tent\r
We all love camping during a full moon unless theres a werewolf of course. The moonlight definitely keeps things brighter but follow a few tips and you can have your tent as a bright as possible. Grab an empty milk jug, fill it with water, then place it next to the flashlight head. If you want a cool crazy green color, you can bring a two liter of sprite or 7 up thats normally green and place the flashlight next to that. And just like that, your tent will glow like magic and help you spot angry animals and will somehow, save your life. \r
3. Bra Hack\r
Ladies, heres your chance to finally put those bras to good use! Especially now that youre in the middle of the wilderness, no ones checking to see if your wearing one or not. If case of a random forest fire, use those boulder holders as a debris mask. Itll keep you from inhaling dust and hazardous ash into your lungs. The number one cause of death from fires isnt from being burnt to death, its from smoke inhalation. The severely hot particle of gas and dust can cause you to stop breathing. Dont take that chance. You might just want to make sure its washed first.\r
2. Natural Bug Repellent \r
Mosquitos host some fairly serious diseases that you really dont want to catch, especially during your camping trip. Diseases like yellow fever, west nile virus, malaria and even zika. If you dont bring your bug repellant, it could be your last hiking trip.. Ever! But luckily there is one natural bug repellent you can use. Get ahold of some dry sage leaves and hang them all around your tent. Bug hate these plants, which mean youll love them! Its much more natural than dealing with all those nasty chemicals. Just make sure you use the right leaves and not poison ivy. \r
1. Fire Starter Hacks\r
Not everything will catch fire and youll learn this as your trying to start one! While youre best chance of starting a fire is using your cell phone battery, its understandable that many people might be hesitant of this. Theres three other things you can use. Ladies, one of them is probably in your purse right now. This multifunctional tool known as a tampon can start a fire pretty well. First rip it in several pieces and the cotton material can be used as tinder. The second one is a pencil sharpener. The shavings from pencil sharpeners are also highly flammable and you can probably find a twig you can use instead of a pencil. And last but not least; Cow dung. Cow dung has been used for centuries as firestarter and will burn! Many countries still use it to this day. Cows are vegetarians and once its dry, it doesnt smell as bad as you would think
