Old Style Rubber Band Powered Cotton Reel Car #1

  • 6 years ago
I wanted to do one of those simple cotton reel rubber powered toys that I last made over 50 years ago. First problem was finding a proper wooden cotton reel. Having failed to find one I made my own. The rest of the assembly was simple. If I manage to find a proper wooden cotton reel I will do another video and probably get one of my grandchildren to make it.\r
You may notice in the video a box of wax candles. In the original version, sometimes you would use a short length of candle instead of the button I used. That helped to reduce friction, but this version worked OK with the button.\r
Home made wooden cotton wheel\r
A couple of wooden sticks, drink stirrers would do.\r
Rubber bands\r
Large button\r
Power Drill\r
Large drill bit\r
Hole cutter\r
Here is a selection of related playlists\r
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Rubber Band Power playlist \r
Rubber Band Power Cars \r
Rubber Band Power Car #8 \r
Rubber Band Power Car Back to Basics \r
RBPC for Snowman plays247 \r
Basic Rubber Band Car \r
No Hotglue No CDs No BBQ skewers Rubber Band Car \r
Pushrod Plunger Mechanism playlist \r
Brakes on Rubber Band Cars playlist \r
Carrying Dropping Pushing Pulling Stopping playlist \r
Rubber Band Power Planes \r
Rubber Band Plane Prop Assembly Demo playlist \r
Rubber Band Powered Boats \r
Rubber Band Wikipedia \r
Size 64 rubber band measure 3 1/2x 1/4x 1/32 or 89mm x 6mm\r
Other Peoples Rubber Band Cars \r
Bargain Store Projects \r
Charity Shop Gold or Garbage \r
I have created a Facebook page to go with my channel \r
Merchandise - I suggest you check both of these links if you are interested as the prices will vary and the shipping charges will be different.\r
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I have thousands of videos on YouTube covering a wide range of subjects. To find them follow my search guides or or see my playlists page \r
Generally my projects are for my grandchildren to enjoy. OK, I enjoy them too. If anybody else likes them, that is a bonus. I like to keep my work as simple and basic as possible so that it can be copied easily and improved by anybody who wants to try themselves. I recycle or repurpose items rather than buy new and when I do buy I like to keep it cheap.\r
My GrandadsOtherChannel channel is generally where I will host the videos that give extra detail or longer versions of the videos I post on my main channel
