Saurabh Shukla's Bollywood Journey

  • 6 years ago
From 'Kallu Mama' to 'Justice Sunderlal Tripathi' a man that holds the crown of versatility and is one of the gems of Hindi Film industry, meet Saurabh Shukla a prolific and magnificent actor who started his journey as a serious theatre artist in 1986 and bagged his first role in 'Bandit Queen' in 1994. Shekhar Kapur the director of the movie was quite impressed with Shukla's work and created a role for him in Bandit Queen. Saurabh worked as a co-writer for Ram Gopal Verma's 1998 cult classic 'Satya' and that's what emerged as the biggest turning point in Shukla's life where he also played the role of the most famous Kallu Mamma in the film and from there he never looked back. He stared in many hits films like Subhash Gai's Taal, Yash Chopra's Mohabbatein, Mani Ratnam's Yuva and many more. Shukla says that Anurag Basu's 2012 release 'Barfi!' was the second turning point in his life. The movie which starred Ranbir Kapoor, Priyanka Chopra and Ileana D'Cruz had a small but interesting role of Senior Inspector Sudhanshu Dutta in the film and then 2013's Jolly LLB, who can forget Arshad Warsi co-stars Saurabh Shukla as Justice Sunderlal Tripathi. Saurabh has worked with big names like Shahrukh Khan in Badshah, Salman Khan in Kick, Amir Khan in PK, Sanjay Dutt in Lage Raho Munna Bhai, Akshay Kumar in Jolly LLB2 and will be seen along with Ajay Devgn in his upcoming movie 'Raid' which also stars Ileana D'Cruz and is all set to release on 16th of March 2018. So here is the man himself, Saurabh Shukla talking exclusively with Lehren about his Bollywood journey and what made him 'The Saurabh Shukla'.

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