How to turn ANY Negative into a Positive (this changed my life)

  • 6 years ago
Welcome back to another video. My name is Aaron, and I help people expand their consciousness. In this video, Ill be showing you how to really turn any negative situation into a positive one, and really the fundamental truth about who you are, and the power you have over what you experience. This for me was one of the game changers that really radically changed the way that I view the world, and my intention is that you have an ability to see the true power that you have over what you experience in your life. Realize that the one thing that we have the most power over in our life is not the outer circumstances, but its our state of being and how we respond to those circumstances. First off, lets understand where emotions come from, where negative emotions or positive emotions come from. They come from the beliefs that we have about who we are and how the situation relates to us, so based upon what we believe to be true, thats whats going to determine the emotion that we get from any situation.\r
The best part about this, it means that things in life are fundamentally neutral, that depending upon our own point of view, thats whats going to determine whether we experience a positive of it or the negative of it. It will completely depend upon what we perceive and what we impose on the situation. Let me give you an example. The idea of a rainy day. A rainy day can be a positive thing for someone like me, who lives in Vegas, and it never rained, so when it does rain, I like it. Somebody else, for example, that maybe lives in, maybe visiting Las Vegas, maybe from Oregon, theyd come here, and its raining, and their perspective is, I just came to Vegas for three days, and it had to be raining, and they get maybe a negative effect out of it. This is the same situation, but two different perspectives experience it in a completely different way, and thats simply because the beliefs, the expectations are different for that same situation.\r
Realize that any situation in your life can be seen in a similar way, and what we can do is take some examples right now. The example of somebody that lost their job. Somebody that loses their job, there are, in easily the most common perspective is, why did this happen, and looking at it, and thinking, I dont know where the money is gonna come from to pay for my bills, if you have kids, or whatever the situation is. When you start to look at it and see that you could have a different perspective about it, instead of, Wheres the money gonna come from? I lost my job. This isnt a good thing. Why is this happening, instead, what if we had the perspective of, yes. Now I dont have my job. What are the good things about this? I didnt really enjoy my job. I enjoyed parts of it, but maybe theres other companies to where I could be doing more of what I love. Maybe the company I worked for I didnt really ually even enjoy, and I didnt resonate with the way they did things.\r
Maybe theres so many more opportunities out there that I could be looking for. Maybe this wasnt even the industry I wanted to be in, and I want to start to pursue my passion. Maybe I can start networking in a new way to see if theres some type of opportunity out there that I will enjoy more. You see, these are the same situation but from different points of view. When this perspective starts to come, we will then experience the reflection in our life of whatever were focused on. Lets take another example. The situation of maybe your girlfriend or boyfriend broke up with you. From one point of view, we could say, I love that person so much. Why did this happen? This person I thought was meant to be. I cant believe this is happening right now. What can I do about it? Why is it happening? Thats one perspective. Another perspective could be, there are seven plus billion people out there in the world. I had this really deep connection with this one person.\r
However, if I had this deep connection with one person, I realize that there are so many other people out there, and that I could even have a deeper connection with somebody that ually resonates with me more. What could I learn from this relationship that I was in? You know what? Maybe Ill learn from these things that kept coming up, and Ill create myself to be who I prefer to be, so that I resonate with someone and we dont have to continue to go through those patterns that kept being brought up. I will learn and become the best version of myself, and as I do that, I know Ill find somebody that resonates with me more. You see, this is the same situation, but different perspectives just based upon the focus. In the same way, both of these situations.\r
This video is about How to turn ANY Negative into a Postive (this change