1-year-old translates Mandarin into English in seconds

  • 6 years ago
A 1-year-old boy was captured translating what his mum said in Mandarin into English in seconds in China.

In the clip, shot in Urumqi in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region on March 2, the toddler translates Mandarin words into English words quickly and accurately.

The mum said that her baby has a talent in languages.

Here are the full translations of what they say in the video:

Mum: Daxiang
Baby: Elephant

Mum: Xihongshi
Baby: Tomato

Mum: Jiqiren
Baby: Robot

Mum: Matong
Baby: Toilet

Mum: Qiaokeli
Baby: Chocolate

Mum: Zise
Baby: Purple

Mum: Heise
Baby: Black

Mum: Hongse
Baby: Red

Mum: Xigua
Baby: Watermelon

Mum: Gebo
Baby: Arm

Mum: Tui
Baby: Leg

Mum: Tou
Baby: Head

Mum: Eduo
Baby: Ear

Mum: Yanjing
Baby: Eye

Mum: Zuiba
Baby: Mouth
