Shoulder Injury and Strain: Functional Rehab

  • 6 years ago
Shoulder Injury and Strain: Functional Rehab

Insync Physiotherapy
4088 Cambie St. #102
Vancouver, BC   V5Z 2X8

Hi, My name is Iyad, I’m a Physiotherapist here at INSYNC PHYSIOTHERAPY. I’m here with Wil, one of our Physiotherapists as well. And today, we’re going to go over some exercises for the overhead athlete. If you’re lifting weights or if you practise any sports that involve you going over head like tennis or volleyball, this would be a really exercise for you either as a warm up or as part of your rehabilitation. Now the most important thing is the way we face this line of pull here. So if you have a band or a cable machine, you stand facing it at a 45 degree angle alright. So Wil’s going to help us with the exercise. So this exercise involves 3 steps. Each one works at a different aspect of the shoulder muscles and the shoulder blade muscles. So the most important thing is where you stand like I said. So when Wil pulls back here we see that’s the perfect angle here because it’s the line of the shoulder blade. Pull… Once he pulls his elbow back we rotate the shoulder back there; So try to hinge around this point where the elbow is and Wil punches over head. When he punches over head this will help him work on the control, especially in the overhead position and fires the rotator cuff muscles equally and allows him to really really engage a lot of those musculature there. So let’s do that one more time Wil. Good! That looks really really good. The most important thing is when you’re rotating back not to hike the shoulder up from here. Okay, so Wil can you see that, how it would look like if it’s fatiguing? The whole shoulder starts to lift up. So when you start seeing yourself fatigue it’s probably good idea to take a break; stop. So we start usually with 5 reps. If you can’t do 5, do 3 reps. The most important thing is that you’re consistently performing this exercise really really well and that you’re not shaky in the overhead position. If you are shaky just take a break. You’ve probably done too much or drop the weight.

Shoulder Injury and Strain: Functional Rehab
