Dog Passes Away Before Flight To Georgia Is Found

  • 6 years ago
UPDATE: Unfortunately before a plane could be secured, Bubba sadly passed away, surrounded by his loving family. Owner Jennifer McConn put together a touching video slideshow to remember him by. We will miss you, Bubba!

If one kid has ever loved a dog with all of their heart it's Roman McConn of Project Freedom Ride. Since he was born, Bubba (the family dog) has been his constant companion and best friend. Roman's dad Jeff is in the military and currently living out orders in Japan. Although Jeff will be returning home to the States now, the family must relocate to Georgia. Bubba is 14 years old and fearful of car rides after he was in a car accident when Roman was just a baby.

While the McConn family has lived apart, they will not be making that decision again. So, how will Bubba get to Georgia? Mom Jennifer is proposing a chartered flight from Washington but she has yet to find someone willing to help. If you or someone you know owns a private plane, please consider helping Bubba continue his life with his family!